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<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <allpages gapfrom="RevTools - lang.resetLanguage" />
      <page pageid="302" ns="0" title="RevTools">
          <rev xml:space="preserve">revTools is a library providing usefull solutions for common developing problems. 

= library usage =

If you want to use the library you'll have to include it in your addon. To do so modify your RiftAddon.toc file to include in the following lines:

&lt;source lang=&quot;lua&quot;&gt;
Embed = {
  [&quot;Libs/revTools&quot;] = true

Dependencies = {
  revTools = {&quot;required&quot;, &quot;before&quot;}

= table functions =

* [[revTools - table.isMember|revTools.table.isMember]]
* [[revTools - table.getTablePos|revTools.table.getTablePos]]
* [[revTools - table.getSortedKeys|revTools.table.getSortedKeys]]
* [[revTools - table.merge|revTools.table.merge]]
* [[revTools - table.mergeIndexed|revTools.table.mergeIndexed]]
* [[revTools - table.getKeyByValue|revTools.table.getKeyByValue]]
* [[revTools - table.copy|revTools.table.copy]]

= string handling =

* [[revTools - string.split|string:split()]]
* [[revTools - string.strRight|string:strRight()]]
* [[revTools - string.strLeft|string:strLeft()]]

= math functions =

* [[revTools - math.round|revTools.math.round()]]

= settings handling =

* [[revTools - settings.checkSettings|revTools.settings.checkSettings()]]

= language handling =

* [[revTools - lang.getLanguage|revTools.lang.getLanguage()]]
* [[revTools - lang.setLanguage|revTools.lang.setLanguage()]]
* [[revTools - lang.resetLanguage|revTools.lang.resetLanguage()]]

= various functions =

* [[revTools - various.convertSeconds|revTools.various.convertSeconds()]]</rev>
      <page pageid="303" ns="0" title="RevTools - lang.getLanguage">
          <rev xml:space="preserve">Use this function to get the language of the client. You might ask why to use this function instead of Inspect.System.Language() which is a good question. The answer to this is that if you use this function instead you'll be able to override the system language by using [[revTools - lang.setLanguage|revTools.lang.setLanguage()]]. This will even work a load time so you can easily test different language files which are loaded at addon load time!


&lt;source lang=&quot;lua&quot;&gt;
local language = revTools.lang.getLanguage()